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World Mosquito Day: 5 Ways to ward off mosquitoes and bugs when you go camping

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5 Ways to ward off mosquitos and bugs when you go camping

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When it comes to vacay, hiking and camping are the ultimate escape for all the peace lovers out there from the traffic and crowds of city lights. A decent stay amid nature is still one of the best ways to rejuvenate and unwind yourself from daily stresses. Unfortunately, being in natural beauty means you are not alone. Wild and untamed tiny inhabitants like bugs and mosquitoes accompany you almost all the time while killing your vibe like nothing else. These small insects can not only irritate your skin but can also take you close to multiple health ailments while disturbing your sleep and making you all grumpy. Annoying, isn’t it? Since we don’t want such frustrating little critters to fright you from a memorable retreat and so we bring you 5 ways to keep mosquitos at bay during your next camping trip. 

1. Use traditional bug sprays

One of the conventional and most useful ways to ward off mosquitos and bugs around you during outdoor camping is spraying off bug repellent sprays or putting on some bug repellent creams. Such creams, lotions or sprays contain DEET which makes them effective in repelling insects. Make sure to keep such sprays handy while leaving for trekking or camping. Also, check out that the spray or cream you are choosing is waterproof. 

2. Use camphor

Camphor is a traditional therapy to get rid of mosquitoes. The pungent smell it produces repels mosquitoes effectively. There are varied formulations of camphor available in the market that can be used to kill mosquitoes. A very simple, effective and age-old way to use this anti-repellent is to keep it in the pot and lit it for 30 minutes. Camphor tablets can also be opted and placed in a bowl of water to drive the mosquitoes away.

3. Essential oils

Mosquitoes despise the fragrance of essential oils like lavender and tea tree. This is yet another best therapy to bid adieu to insects and mosquitoes that comes out amidst nature. If you don’t want the shower of heavy chemicals around your surroundings, then varied essential oils carry bug repellent properties and can be easily sprayed on the clothes for effective results. Thyme, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Lavender, Basil and clove are some of the best magical potions to distract mosquitos. You can also apply drops to your body to avoid any mosquito bites.

4. Keep the surrounding area clean and dry

You can protect yourself and keep your camping zone mosquito-free by maintaining proper hygiene, and cleanliness and emptying any stagnant water in or around the site. Once you are done you’re set up make sure to zip up and never throw any garbage or leftovers around to safeguard yourself from the attack of mosquitos. Mosquitos are naturally enticed by such a thrash and tidy environment.

5. Place some potted mosquito repelling plants nearby your camp

Another natural and effective way to protect against the breeding of mosquitoes is placing some medicinal plants nearby you or choosing a site for your camp that has some collection of such plants. Herbs like basil are quite poisonous to insects and the leaves can even kill mosquitoes. You can put this plant nearby your tent to reap the maximum benefits. Moreover, you can use crushed leaves as your natural repellent and apply them all over your body for protection against bites. Citronella, lemongrass, lemon balm, rosemary and lavender can also be used for protection against mosquitoes.

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World Mosquito Day: 5 Ways to ward off mosquitoes and bugs when you go camping
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When it comes to vacay, hiking and camping are the ultimate escape for all the peace lovers out there from the traffic and crowds of city lights. A decent stay amid nature is still one of the best ways to rejuvenate and unwind yourself from daily stresses. Unfortunately, being in natural beauty means you are not alone.

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