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Weekly Horoscope 25th August to  1st September, 2024

By Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla



Ganesha says that this week will prove to be fruitful for the people of Aries. This week luck will be with you at every step. If you have been working on an action plan for a long time, then this week you will get good results in it. Students who are preparing for the exam competition can get some good news at the beginning of the week. During this time you will be seen to concentrate your full attention on your career and business. For which you will also get to see good results. Employed people will also get better opportunities and additional means of income. However, while taking a big step in the direction of employment, do not forget to take the advice of your well-wishers. In the second half of the week, the journey done in connection with business will prove to be pleasant and profitable. The wish of buying and selling land and buildings can be fulfilled. During this time it is possible to meet a dear person. There will be better tuning with the love partner. If you are still single then your attraction towards the opposite sex will increase. Married life will remain happy. Health will be normal and there will be opportunities to spend time happily with the family.


Ganesha says that this week will be full of ups and downs for the people of Taurus. At the beginning of the week, employed people may suddenly get unwanted responsibilities or additional workload may come. During this, the cooperation of family members will be less. Due to this, the mind will remain a little disturbed. There can be differences between siblings about something. Students may get distracted from their studies. During this time, be it at home or the workplace, do not give weight to small things. Working women may find it difficult to strike a balance between work and home. There may be tough competition with the competitors in the business. During this, invest money in any scheme or speculative lottery, etc. wisely. There will also be chances of traveling to a religious place in the second half of the week. However, take great care of both your health and your belongings during the journey. Love relations will be normal. There will be full support from the father in difficult times related to life. 


Ganesha says that this week will bring opportunities for progress in life for the people of Gemini. At the beginning of the week itself, you will get excellent opportunities to advance your career. There will also be a chance to associate with a good friend or an influential person with a benefit plan, but you will be a little confused about making the right decision in this regard. Renovation or decoration of the house may result in high out-of-pocket expenditure. From an economic point of view, you may be short of money at this time. Employed people will get the support of both seniors and juniors in the workplace, however, be aware of your opponents, otherwise, they can create hurdles in your work. Drive the vehicle with caution otherwise, there is a possibility of injury. This week will prove to be lucky for you in terms of a love relationship. If you were thinking of proposing to someone, then doing so will make a difference. On the other hand, the closeness and mutual trust of people who are already in a love relationship with their love partner will increase. Married life will remain happy. Will get to spend moments of laughter and happiness with the family. Be careful about your health. An old disease can emerge once again.


Ganesha says that the people of Cancer will have to avoid doing distant losses in favor of nearby gains this week. At the beginning of the week, move ahead with care regarding career business. Do not be negligent in any work in the workplace, otherwise, you may have to become a victim of the boss’s anger. The money stuck in the market will be a major cause of concern for them. Control your speech and anger while solving any family-related issue, otherwise, you may have to face trouble. Try not to turn differences with family members into differences of opinion. In the second half of the week, interest in social work will arise and there will be an association with it. During this time you will be more conscious about your health, but to keep it right, you will have to correct your routine along with your food and drink. Sweetness will remain in married life, but the ill health of your spouse can become a major cause of your worry.


Ganesha says that this week the people of the Leo zodiac will have to worry about their benefit as well as the interest of others, otherwise your relationships built over the years may get spoiled. Avoid neglecting old relationships while building new relationships with someone. You have to take full care of the fact that even a stopped clock tells the correct time once a day. If any of your matter is going on in the court, then try to solve it outside, otherwise, it may drag on for a long time. Avoid relying excessively on others in business, otherwise, you may have to face financial loss. People doing business in partnership should especially keep this in mind. This week, before investing money in any scheme or stock market, do take the advice of an expert or a well-wisher. Long or short-distance travel is possible at the end of the week. Take special care of your luggage and health during the journey. Lack of desired fruits and an exhausting journey can affect both your body and mind. Take a step forward in your love affair and avoid interfering excessively in the life of your love partner, otherwise, you may face problems. You will feel very relaxed if your life partner stands by your side in any challenging time in life.


Ganesha says that the natives of Virgo will be seen to be lucky this week. This week, the efforts made in the direction of livelihood will be successful and you will get the desired profit in business. If you are a working person, then you can get praise from the boss for your hard work this week. However, you have to avoid glorifying your plans in front of everyone, otherwise, your opponents may try to create hurdles in it. Students engaged in the preparation of examination competitions will get full results according to their hard work. They may get some good news by the end of the week, due to which there will be an atmosphere of happiness in the family. Jobs will become an additional source of income for the people. There will be a chance to join the scheme of profit through an influential person associated with the powerful government. In the second half of the week, there will be a trip to a tourist destination with the family. Any big achievement related to the child side will be a big reason for your respect. The dream of buying land or a vehicle can be fulfilled. However, do take the advice of your well-wishers while doing so. Love relations will intensify and mutual trust will increase. You will get opportunities to spend quality time with your love partner. Health will be normal.


Ganesha says that this week will prove to be very auspicious for the people of the Libra zodiac. When the planned work is completed on time, you will get to see tremendous confidence and enthusiasm within you. The search for livelihood will end. Those who are already working somewhere, can get important responsibility, appreciation, or appointment or transfer to the desired place. If you have been thinking of buying and selling any land, building a vehicle, etc. for a long time, then your wish can be fulfilled this week. If any matter related to land-building or ancestral property is going on in the court, then it will be resolved outside the court by mutual agreement. Due to this your mind will get a lot of relief. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house by buying something new related to comfort. This week will prove to be especially auspicious for those working on commission. Students engaged in preparing for examination competitions will get results according to their hard work. Any achievement of the child side will be the reason for your happiness and respect. In the second half of the week, there will be a chance to get involved in religious-social activities. Love relationships, mutual trust, and closeness will increase. Married life will remain happy. Health will be normal.


Ganesha says that the people of the Scorpio zodiac should avoid taking any big decision this week in anger or by getting carried away by emotions, otherwise, they may have to repent later. At the beginning of the week, the job profession may have to face the workload and stress in the workplace. During this time your opponents may try to obstruct your work or distract you from your goal. In such a situation, it would be better to focus on your work instead of giving importance to small things. While solving any problem in the family, take the help of dialogue instead of dispute. Do not make such a promise to anyone, which will be difficult for you to fulfill later. In the second half of the week, take special care of your health and drive carefully. During this time you can become a victim of seasonal diseases, injuries, etc. An old disease can emerge once again. In such a situation, keep your health and routine right. There can be some ups and downs in business. However, this situation will not last for long, and soon you will see work getting back on track. To keep the love relationship strong, do not ignore the feelings of the love partner. Married life will remain happy.


Ganesha says that the people of Sagittarius will get the full support of luck this week. From the beginning of the week, the planned tasks will be seen to be completed rapidly. There will be full support from friends and family members. Any big achievement related to life will become a big reason for your and your family’s happiness. Seniors will praise you for your work in the field. You may get some important responsibility. During this time, the journey undertaken in connection with career and business will prove to be successful. Employed people will get new opportunities to progress and additional sources of income. Travels made for business or any special work will prove to be successful and profitable. However, in the midst of all this, you will be able to take out less time for yourself and will find yourself tired of body and mind. During this time, the mind will also be a little worried due to the re-emergence of some old disease. The health of a dear person in the house will also become a major cause of your concern. In the second half of the week, with the help of an influential person, you will be able to find a solution to a big problem. Better tuning will be seen with the love partner and it will become your strength. Married life will remain happy.


Ganesha says that the people of Capricorn will need to move forward with great patience and very careful steps this week. If you are associated with any business and are thinking of taking your business forward, then invest money for it very carefully and take the advice of any of your well-wishers while deciding in this regard. At the beginning of the week, traveling for a career or business can prove to be tiring and futile. During the journey, you should take great care of both your health and your belongings. Take special care in money transactions. This week you should drive the vehicle very carefully, otherwise, there is a possibility of injury. If you are thinking of changing the job, then you should consider all the aspects while deciding this matter. Let it happen that you harm a distant place for a nearby benefit. Disputes related to ancestral property may deepen in the second half of the week. If you find yourself in a state of confusion in this matter, then instead of taking any major decision, postpone it further or take the advice of a close friend. Some misunderstandings can arise in a love relationship. Due to not being able to meet the love partner, the mind can remain upset. 


Ganesha says that the people of Aquarius will have to avoid putting too much trust in others with excessive enthusiasm this week. Both these things can become a big reason for spoiling your work. The beginning of the week will prove to be auspicious for those people who do work related to foreign countries and then want to establish their career or business by going abroad. Those working in property or construction will get the desired success and profit. Employed people will become an additional source of income. Due to the arrival of a dear member in the house, there will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. In the second half of the week, you will need to be more alert in the workplace. Your opponents can distract you from your goal or obstruct your work. This week cannot be called very good from the point of view of health, because this week you can be a victim of injury or seasonal illness, etc., which will work to fade the glow of your happiness a little. If you are thinking of proposing your love in front of someone, then you should wait for the right time to do so, otherwise, your relationship may get spoiled and if you are already in a love relationship, then you will have to wait for your love. To strengthen the relationship, avoid ignoring the feelings of the love partner. Married life will remain happy.


Ganesha says that this week will prove to be successful for the people of Pisces. At the beginning of the week, there will be success and profit in the works related to power governance. For those who want a transfer or a higher position at a particular place, their wait may end this week. People engaged in the preparation of examination competitions will get good news. For the people of Pisces, this week will also prove to be very favorable from an economic point of view. Travels made in connection with business will prove to be successful and profitable. The respect and dominance of people associated with politics will increase in their party and society. People will not only respect your decision but will also follow it. In the second half of the week, working women may find it difficult to balance between home and work, although this situation will be short-lived. Love relations will be intense. There will be opportunities to spend moments of laughter and happiness with the love partner. At the end of the week, a long or short-distance travel program can be made with the family. During this, pay special attention to your health and diet, otherwise, you may have stomach problems.

Author Bio:

Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website chiragdaruwalla.com. For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail: [email protected]



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