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When Spider-Man Star Emma Stone’s ‘Sex Tape’ With Her Ex Made A Huge Buzz In Hollywood


For anyone who loves watching Hollywood films, you cannot deny that Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone is truly one of the most remarkably versatile actors out there.

Be it her role in Birdman, La La Land, or many other movies, she can really play different characters pretty damn easily.

Emma also became pretty popular amongst moviegoers for her role in Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man movies, which saw her star opposite Andrew Garfield, who she happened to date during the course of the movies.

© Sony Pictures

Now, with the success of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, there’s been repeated calls for Andrew’s The Amazing Spider-Man series to get a third movie, with the hashtag ‘Make TASM 3’ trending almost everywhere on social media at the moment.

© Sony Pictures

Fans have been calling for Emma to reprise her role as Gwen or come back as the female Spidey version of it in the movie if just in case, it is revamped somehow.

Now, while Emma is obviously in the news for this and for her performances of late, there was a time when the 33-year-old actress made a buzz for something very different.

Yep! Emma was reported to have an alleged sex tape, who she recorded with one of her ex-boyfriends.

And no. It wasn’t with Andrew.

As per Radar Online, Emma had made the tape when she was younger, long before she dated Andrew, with the report stating that an insider said she “has a sex tape, and that’s a fact.”

According to the source, the tape actually still remains with the person she recorded it with.

“She made it long before she started dating Andrew Garfield, and before she really became a household name. She was just young and probably thought nothing would ever come of it. The tape remains in the hands of the person she made it with,” the source said.

The source also controversially reveals how the tape goes on to become more valuable.

“But that doesn’t mean there’s any guarantee that it won’t eventually hit the market. The higher Emma’s star rises, the more valuable that tape becomes,” said the source.

There have been plenty of sex tape scandals in Hollywood, with some of them even being leaked online by hackers in the past. 

Source: Koimoi

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