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7 Types of cheese: Most loved guide of 2022

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We can all mutually agree that we love cheese – be it a grilled cheese sandwich or a little extra cheese on your pizza! However, did you know that there are several diverse types of cheese all over the world? Despite the common love for cheese, we all somehow fall short when it comes to listing out the different cheese types. Generally, we know mozzarella (pizza cheese), cheddar (grilled cheese), and parmesan. It isn’t bad to savor these cheese types, but with soooo many flavorful options available in the market, why restrict yourself to the joy and pleasure of enjoying multiple types of cheese?
Fun fact – did you know there are more than 1000 different varieties of cheese all across the world (Woah!)?
Cheese is a tasty treat that is immensely versatile. Usually prepared with the milk of mammals, cheese in itself has a distinct taste. From simple nachos to luxe cheese boards (a.k.a. charcuterie boards) – there are many-many different cheese varieties to choose from. So, to let you sit back and enjoy the delicious cheese (maybe with a glass of wine), we bring the list of popular cheese types in this guide. Time to make a quick run to the supermarket – yay cheeeeeeese!

How are the types of cheese different from each other?

Firstly, it is crucial to understand how different cheese types are classified into multiple categories. The primary factors include –
• Type of milk used: was the cheese made out of cow milk (most common), sheep milk, goat milk, yak milk, camel milk, or buffalo milk?
• Age: is it made recently for immediate consumption or was it stored over a period of time to develop flavor?
• Preparation method: was the cheese mold-ripened, unripened, or bacteria-ripened?
• Color: white, creamy, blue, etc.
• Texture: cheese can be hard, soft, and semi-soft
• Flavoring: cheese can be sharp, mild, and extra sharp
• Country and Region: Swiss cheese differs from American cheese.
Since the different types of cheese are listed as per their firmness level, moisture levels play an equally vital role when choosing a cheese type. In simpler words: a higher moisture content will give you a softer cheese, while a low moisture content will give you a densely packed or a harder cheese. Similarly, at times certain types of cheese are freshly prepared to be consumed the same day, while other times, the cheese is stored to allow it to age for months – even years. This process helps the cheese gain a more complex flavor (even aroma).

7 types of cheese: Most loved guide of 2022

Now that we have understood the basis of categorizing the different cheese types, let us move on to list the varieties of cheese.

1. Fresh cheese

The youngest type of cheese is fresh cheese. It is unripened, unaged, rindless, soft, spreadable, and white in color. This cheese type has a mild flavor (mostly) and is made using fresh curd that gives it a smooth and creamy texture. You can play around with salt levels or add herbs, nuts, spices, and even edible flowers for distinct taste and aroma.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from cow or buffalo milk and has a creamy texture. Popularly used as a pizza topping.

Cottage cheese

It is made from cow milk and has a lumpy creamy texture. It pairs well with berries and granolas.

Cream cheese

It is made from cow milk and has a thick, spreadable, creamy texture.


It is made from goat or sheep milk and has a grainy texture. It pairs well in a salad.


It is made from cow, goat, buffalo, or sheep milk and has a thick creamy texture. It pairs well with fruits and dry fruits.


It is made from cow, sheep, or goat milk. This cheese variety is almost similar to mozzarella in terms of its texture. It is widely used as grilled or fried.


It is made from cow milk and has a spreadable buttery texture.


It is made from cow milk and has a creamy texture (often similar to mozzarella).

2. Hard cheese

This type of cheese lasts longer than almost all the other cheese types due to its low moisture content. Hard cheese has a deeply potent and savory flavor and is best used as thin slices and grating. Although the general texture of any hard cheese is dry, it has a dynamic flavor profile, especially when paired with something sweet like jam or honey.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from cow milk and has a salty flavor with a crumbly texture. It pairs well with spiced food types to balance the saltiness.


It is made from cow milk and has a faint crumbly texture. It pairs best with sourdough bread like baguettes and grapes.


It is made from sheep milk and has a flaky yet creamy texture. It pairs well with something strong like a whiskey.


It is made from sheep milk and has a firm texture with a pungent flavor. It pairs well with heavy food items like meat, walnuts, and sausages.

Grana Padano

It is made from cow milk and has a dense and crunchy texture. It pairs well when grated on salads, soups, and dry fruits.

3. Semi-hard (semi-firm) cheese

Semi-firm or semi-hard type of cheese starts to take on a more developed and complex note, ranging between more fruity and floral. They even develop an aroma similar to freshly browned butter. Semi-hard type of cheese is not usually meant for spreading or grating. It highlights its personality best when sliced or shredded.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from cow milk and has an umami flavor with a crumbly texture. It pairs best with crackers and fruits like apples and cherries.


It is made from cow milk and has a sweet-salty flavor with a flaky texture. It pairs well when added to onion soup, rosemary, and baked dishes.


It is made from cow or goat milk and has a springy texture with nutty flavors. It pairs well with slightly sweeter foods like melons and peaches.


It is made from cow or goat milk and has a crunchy, butterscotch-type flavor and texture. It pairs well with nuts and crackers.


It is made from cow or sheep milk and has a salty flavor profile. It pairs well with light beers, burgers, and sandwiches.


It is made from cow milk and has a dense, buttery flavor and texture. It pairs well with sharp food types like pears and green apples.

4. Soft cheese

Soft cheese types contain more moisture content and even higher fat content. Since they are ripened between zero to thirty days time, they become a pudding-like paste. This cheese has a rich, silky interior that melts almost immediately in your mouth. Thin and slightly translucent rinds surround soft cheeses that range from blue to grey, wrinkly to pillowy, and fuzzy to fluffy with a half-sweet and half-salty taste.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from cow milk and has a creamy, buttery texture and flavor. It pairs well with jam, honey, and figs.


It is made from cow milk and has a slightly dry yet buttery texture and flavor. It pairs well with fig jam.


It is made from goat milk and has a tangy flavor with a plumpy texture. It pairs well with wheat bread, balsamic dressing, and almonds.


It is made from cow milk and has a thick, earthy texture and flavor. It pairs well with pecans and loaves of bread.


It is made from cow milk and has an almost spreadable texture. This cheese is basically a combination of an Italian Gorgonzola and French soft-ripened triple cream cheese.

5. Semi-soft cheese

A semi-soft type of cheese has a rubbery outer texture but a soft, delicate, and custardy center. It has an earthy and pungent flavor profile and is somewhere in between coarse and buttery when eaten. Depending on the time taken to ripen (which typically lasts for about two to four months), this cheese type can either be leathery, mild, or creamy in its rind and interior.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from a blend of cow milk, milk fat, and whey protein. It is creamy and mild in its texture and flavor and pairs well with crunchy bread, tomatoes, and other cheese varieties.


It is made from cow milk and has a sharp flavor profile with a creamy texture. It pairs well with toasted bread, Carpaccio and dries berries and plums.


It is made from cow milk and has a classic buttery taste with an elastic texture. It pairs well with vintage wines like Chardonnay and dry fruits like walnuts and raisins.


It is made from cow milk and has a sweet, soft texture and flavor. It pairs best with beef and dry fruits.


It is made from cow milk and has a meaty texture with a pungent taste. It pairs well with polenta, honey, and chestnuts.


It is made from cow milk and resembles Emmental cheese in its texture. It pairs well with hot dishes like grilled sandwiches due to its easily meltable character.

6. Blue-mold or Blue-veined or Blue cheese

Blue cheese is the ultimate type of cheese that gives you immense pleasure. Like the best of both worlds, this cheese type is rich, creamy in texture with a perfumed aroma and pungent, sharp flavor profile. The bold blue veins come from the mold while gradually ripening over a stretched period of time in a secluded dark place. Moreover, to pronounce the blue veins, needles are stuck in the cheese from time to time to open more pores for the mold to work its magic.
The most popular varieties of cheese that fall into this category are –


It is made from cow milk and has a buttery flavor but a crumbly texture. It pairs well with pistachios and grapes.


It is made from cow milk and has a loose texture with a mushroom, peppery taste. It pairs best with beer, fish, pecans, and bell peppers.


It is made from sheep milk and has a sweet burnt caramel flavor. It pairs best with meat, grapes, and spiced apples.

7. Farmer’s cheese

This type of cheese is made by squeezing the cottage cheese to remove any extra moisture. You can easily make it at home and add in herbs, spices, salt, or smoked meats to give additional depth and flavor. Paneer is the best example of this cheese type. It is soft, moist, and crumbly in texture and is widely used as a versatile ingredient in South Asian cuisine.

Wrapping Up

Cheese is popular and loved in almost every cuisine all around the world. Throughout the years’ different types of cheese have been carefully fabricated to become one of the most flexible, yummy, and sought-after ingredients in the culinary world. In order to let you enjoy the best varieties of cheese, we have listed all the diverse cheese types for you. Time to pamper yourself now!
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pexels, getty images
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7 Types of cheese: Most loved guide of 2022
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FAQ Question: 
Is cheese good for me? Can I eat it every day?
FAQ Answer: 
Yes, you can. Cheese is basically made from milk and has calcium in it. If you are not sensitive to dairy products, you can eat an adequate amount of cheese everyday.
FAQ Question: 
Does cheese have protein?
FAQ Answer: 
Yes. Cheese has a good amount of protein and Vitamin B12.
FAQ Question: 
Does cheese have carbs?
FAQ Answer: 
Yes. Cheese has both carbs and fat.
FAQ Question: 
Can cheese be frozen?
FAQ Answer: 
Yes and No. There are different types of cheese, and the different texture affects the quality when you freeze them. For example, you can freeze a semi-hard cheese but not a creamy cheese.
FAQ Question: 
Is cheese keto?
FAQ Answer: 
Yes, cheese is keto-friendly.
FAQ Question: 
Is there a best time to eat cheese?
FAQ Answer: 
Eating cheese in your breakfast provides maximum benefits to your body.
FAQ Question: 
Which cheese is the most popular?
FAQ Answer: 
Mozzarella (also the healthiest) and Cheddar (also the tastiest)
FAQ Question: 
Which cheese is the costliest?
FAQ Answer: 
Pule. Due to its rarity, this cheese can cost around $600 per kilogram.
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