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Tips and tricks for married couples to deal with a lazy partner


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How can married couples deal with a lazy partner

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When you enter a marriage you probably assume that your spouse is a grown-up and hence a well-functioning member of society. So, they probably know how to cook or clean and care for the home front along with going to work. But this may not always be the case as some individuals grow up in homes where their parents do the chores for them, or perhaps they have had house help all their lives. If you are having trouble with having your partner help you with household duties, take a look at tips and tricks for married couples to deal with a lazy partner.

Forego the threats

Fear can be a poor motivator between a married couple. So, you must change the way you demand them to do chores. Setting a deadline may be helpful for you, but it may be far from supportive for your partner. They may feel like it is a dreaded chore once you set a deadline to complete it or give them an ultimatum to do it or risk your ire.

Appreciate the tasks duly completed

While you may be doing a lot of work yourself, your husband or wife may need to be coaxed to do it. A great way to begin is by appreciating his or her efforts on the duties she does agree to do. Laud him with lavish praise so that he wants to do a better job the next time and please you.

Make your requests kindly and enquire about preferred household chores

Remember that you are a spouse of theirs and not a ringmaster in a circus, so while you can expect them to lend a hand at home, you must be gentle while coaxing them to help rather than adamant and inflexible in your attitude toward them. Make sure you give them plenty of options to choose from when it comes to helping out around the house.

Be it walking the dog and gardening or cooking lunch and dinner or cleaning the garage and making snacks for the kids; such options offer your spouse a sense of freedom to choose the task they prefer doing!

Also Read: 4 Signs that indicate you have a lazy husband

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How can married couples deal with a lazy partner
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When you enter a marriage you probably assume that your spouse is a grown-up and hence a well-functioning member of society. So, they probably know how to cook or clean and care for the home front along with going to work. But this may not always be the case as some individuals grow up in homes where their parents do the chores for them, or perhaps they have had house help all their lives. If you are having trouble with having your partner help you with household duties, take a look at tips and tricks for married couples to deal with a lazy partner.

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