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Terrorists kill former sarpanch in Shopian, injure tourist couple in Anantnag


Srinagar, May 18 (IANS) Terrorists killed a former sarpanch in J&K’s Shopian district on Saturday besides injuring a non-local tourist couple in Anantnag district.Officials said that terrorists fired at and injured a former sarpanch identified as Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh at Hurpura village in Shopian district on Saturday evening.“He was shifted to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. Terrorists also fired at a tourist couple from Jaipur identified as Tabriz and his wife Farha in the Yannar area of Anantnag district. The injured couple has been shifted to the hospital for treatment. The area has been cordoned off for searches,” an official said.–IANSsq/arm

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