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Spiritual master Sant Rajinder Singhji Maharaj’s birthday

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rajinder singh photo 2BY A STAFF WRITER

CHICAGO (IL) — The international audience that gathered at the Westin Hotel traveled from all over the globe to celebrate the birthday of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, world-renowned spiritual master and head of the Science of Spirituality.

It was the first time since his mission began in 1989 that the spiritual master’s birthday was celebrated in the US. For the past 25 years, the occasion has drawn hundreds of thousands to Delhi, India.

The evening began with a vegetarian dinner reception followed by a formal program in the Grand Ballroom.

After several hours of entertainment with singing and live music, including a qawwali band from India performing divine verses about the soul’s desire for communion with God, Sant Rajinder Singh spoke about birthdays, recalling experiences with his own spiritual master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, who said that every day should be treated like our birthday because it is a gift from God.

In honor of the spiritual master’s birthday, the evening also saw the release of the new book– ‘Encircled by Divine Love – Experiences of the Grace’ of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. This 146-page book is a collection of personal accounts that convey the scope of the spiritual master’s divine grace which has touched disciples not only in their daily lives, but also at deeply spiritual levels.

The first-hand experiences presented in the book, taken in concert, help describe the role and benefit of a true spiritual master.

The birthday program was concluded when Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s son, Dr. Kunwarjit Duggal, joined him on stage for a celebratory cake cutting as the crowd sang, “Happy Birthday,” and cheered him enthusiastically.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj travels the globe extensively teaching meditation on the inner Light and Sound of God, encouraging those he meets to lead ethical lives and realize their true selves as soul.

In the booklet “Inner Peace through Meditation,” the spiritual Master says, “The soul, unaware of its true nature, has identified itself with the body and the mind. Instead of the soul controlling the mind and the mind controlling the senses, the situation has become reversed.

“The soul is dragged by the mind, and the mind is pulled by the senses into the outer world. By inverting our attention and rising above the physical body through meditation, we will find regions within which give us lasting peace. “

With over one million followers around the globe, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is head of Science of Spirituality, a multi-faith, international organization dedicated to love, unity, peace, and personal transformation through meditation.

Each of the nearly 2,000 Science of Spirituality centers in the world holds free meetings on meditation that are open to all. The US national Headquarters for Science of Spirituality in the West is in Naperville, IL and the headquarters in the East are in Delhi, India.

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