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Sagittarius to Libra: 4 Zodiac signs who are extremely chaotic and mess up their everyday chores


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4 Zodiac signs who are extremely chaotic and mess up their everyday chores

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Some people are highly organised, structured and well-plan their lives and errands while some survive in the mess, stay jittery and keep on bashing and messing things on a regular basis. We all suffer from those low-key moments where we feel most disorganised and scattered but some people chose their environment to be chaotic and wherever they go, they only leave a string of clumsiness. Such people are disaster-prone and adore swishing into things and remain perplexed while trying to find their bearings. Here is a list of zodiac signs who are muddled messers.

1. Sagittarius

Free bird is the perfect term that describes Sagittarius. They love to travel and prefer adventures over anything which usually makes them run and consequently, they fall and knock things over on a regular basis. Since they do every responsibility in a very hurry, they always end messing up. Cleanliness is something they never make the time for. They are so used to their messiness that they don’t even bother to clear the clutter.

2. Scorpio

Scorpios adore chaos and disorder! They are creative and to make things done they overstep the edges of mess and create clutter that can’t be solved easily. They simply dismay the tactics of easing the tangled threads and keep on dragging such chores until they are highly forced to organise their scattered things. They never want to give a bad impression of their personality in front of others thus, only clean the disarray externally.

3. Aries

This element of fire makes messes that are not quite visible since they do not like to stay clumsy. Moreover, they never admit to the clutter or chaos they made and are extremely great at hiding it. They easily clean up the outer surroundings or muddled places but fill up the mess inside the cupboard since just want to gather the good vibes of living in a clean surrounding which is visible.

4. Libra

Prominent by the name of perfect balancers, it seems like Librans do not bear any organisation skills at all. People with these zodiac signs are quite good at making plans but always end up spilling or breaking or messing things up. Moreover, Libran-born spill the water on each and every chore they have been assigned since they don’t know how to manage things. Cleaning rooms or houses is the last thing that comes on their list and their room is the biggest disorganised place on the earth.

Disclaimer: While these attributes are generic, these are primarily focused on your zodiacal qualities; all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you.



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Sagittarius to Libra: 4 Zodiac signs who are extremely chaotic and mess up their everyday chores
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Some people are highly organised, structured and well-plan their lives and errands while some survive in the mess, stay jittery and keep on bashing and messing things on a regular basis.

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