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Safeguard tattoos from summer evils



New Delhi, May 16 : Summer season is the perfect time to flaunt your tattoo in sleeveless tees, shorts and beachwear. However, with the scorching sun, it becomes all the more important to take care of your tattoo and the skin. After all, you don’t want to be attacked by skin infections, allergies and heat rashes.

Rohit Batra, dermatologist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Vivek Mehta, dermatologist at Pulastya’s Cadle Skin Laser Clinic, Neha Mittal, aesthetic and cosmetic physician at Dermaworld Skin and Hair Clinics, suggest how to protect tattoos during summer:

* Showing off the tattoo is one of the key reasons for getting a tattoo done but at the same time it is also the main cause that it fades away. The sun’s UV rays will quickly reduce the beauty of the tattoo, making it appear dull, resulting in colour spreading or scarring.

Therefore, sun protection is important. Apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or above) generously on the tattoo. Make sure that you do this soon after you get inked. Ten to 14 days after getting a tattoo done, limit your sun exposure and apply sunscreen. Reapply sunscreen every two to three hours.

* No matter how difficult it is, control your urge to flaunt your tattoo for at least initial days of recovery in order to avoid any kind of infection. Scarring, sunburn and skin problems like Melanoma are other issues that may affect your skin.

* Avoid bathtubs, hot water and ocean or pool water as they may contain a harmful chemical which might cause irritation, allergy or other skin issues.

* It is quite normal to feel itchy and sensitive on the area of the tattoo especially after a few days of a new tattoo. Therefore, use a moisturizer with an anti-oxidant formula.

* If you are planning to go on vacation after getting a tattoo done to places with beaches, oceans or swimming pools then you must wait for 14 to 20 days to have your tattoo recover properly, as staying too much in water can also hamper the healing and can damage your expensive tattoo.


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