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Rainfall in second half of southwest monsoon between August and September likely to be normal: IMD

The second half of the southwest monsoon between August and September is likely to be normal, the India Meteorological Department said on Monday. The rainfall is expected to be between 95% and 105% of the Long Period Average, or LPA, it added.

The LPA is a mean of the rainfall recorded in the country over a period of 50 years. It acts as a benchmark against which the rainfall in any monsoon season is measured, according to The Business Line.

If the rainfall is below 90% of the LPA, the country is said to have received deficient rainfall. In the same way, when the rainfall is above 110%, the country is said to have received excess rainfall. Normal rainfall is when it falls between 96% and 104% of LPA.

In a statement, the weather department said that the rainfall in August was likely to be normal (between 94% and 106% of the LPA). “IMD [India Meteorological Department] will issue the forecast for September month rainfall towards [the] end of August or beginning of September 2021,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, the weather agency said that the rainfall in July was below normal, reported PTI. IMD Director General Mrutyunjay Mohapatra said that the rainfall in July was -7%, which is around 93% of the…

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