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President greets Seychelles on National Day

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New Delhi, June 28 (IANS) President Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday greeted the government and the people of Seychelles on the occasion of their National Day.

The Republic of Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands with Victoria as its capital, lies 1,800 km east of mainland Africa. It will celebrate its National Day on Monday.

In his message to Seychelles President James Alix Michel, Mukherjee said: "On behalf of the government, the people of India and on my own behalf, it gives me immense pleasure to convey to you, to the government and the people of Seychelles, our greetings and felicitations on the occasion of your National Day."

Mukherjee said India and Seychelles "enjoy a close and friendly relationship".

"Our multifaceted bilateral partnership and cooperation has been growing, and has further diversified in the last few years.

"I am confident that our relations will be further strengthened in the years to come to the mutual benefit of our two peoples."

Mukherjee said he was looking forward to receiving the Seychelles president in India in August.

"Please accept, Excellency, my good wishes for your personal health and well being as well as for the progress and prosperity of the friendly people of the Republic of Seychelles," he added.

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