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Its official: Mr Perfect does not exist!


Most women rank their partner as only 69 percent perfect, a new poll has found. According to the poll of 2,000 women commissioned by Remington, not even one woman was found to be completely happy with her man.

When asked what would make the perfect man, a good personality came top, followed by a sense of humour and looks.

“The average guy may not be able to compete with the image of a David Beckham, but there are still a number of small changes they can do to make a big difference,” the Daily Mail quoted Nikki McReynolds, the marketing director for Remington as saying.

CoupleWhen asked about the imperfections in men, failing to make an effort with their partner’s friends, criticising their driving and the inability to multi-task were included in a list of 20 common shortfalls.

Other male failings included leaving the toilet door open, watching too much sport and poor personal grooming.

“It seems women are quite realistic on what they look for from their partner.

“While they might happily overlook a few common flaws, there are certain behaviours that men just won’t get away with,” she said.

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