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FBI Issues Warning: Tech-Support Scammers Now Utilizing In-Person Couriers to Target Victims

WASHINGTON , DC- The FBI has issued a warning about a rise in personalized approaches by online scammers, who are now resorting to sending in-person couriers to victims’ doors. Primarily targeting senior citizens, these scammers engage in tech-support and government impersonation scams to deceive individuals into parting with their cash and valuables.

In the initial phase of the scam, fraudsters pose as tech support or U.S. government officials, claiming that the victims’ financial accounts are compromised or at risk. To safeguard their funds, victims are instructed to convert their assets into cash or purchase precious metals like gold or silver. In some cases, scammers direct victims to wire funds to a supposed metal dealer who promises to deliver the precious metals to their homes.

The criminals then orchestrate in-person meetings with victims, either at their residences or public locations, where couriers collect the cash or precious metals. The FBI emphasizes that scammers may request authentication from victims using a passcode, such as the serial number of a U.S. dollar bill. However, once the assets are handed over, victims never hear from the scammers again, losing all their money.

The FBI noted an “uptick” in such cases between May and December of the previous year, resulting in aggregated losses exceeding $55 million. This method represents a departure from the typical online tactics of scammers, who traditionally operate from behind the anonymity of the internet or remote locations.

Chris Pierson, CEO of cybersecurity firm BlackCloak, highlighted this shift, noting that scammers are now willing to risk being captured on video during in-person interactions.

To protect oneself from tech-support scams, the FBI recommends:

– Recognize that the U.S. Government and legitimate businesses will never request the purchase of gold or other precious metals.
– Safeguard personal information and avoid disclosing home addresses or meeting unknown individuals to exchange cash or precious metals.
Additionally, the FBI provides the following tips:
• Avoid clicking on unsolicited pop-ups, links in text messages, or email links and attachments.

• Refrain from contacting unknown telephone numbers provided in pop-ups, texts, or emails.

• Resist downloading software at the request of unknown individuals.

• Do not grant access to your computer to unknown individuals.

Remaining vigilant and adhering to these precautions can help individuals protect themselves from falling victim to these increasingly sophisticated and personalized scams.

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