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CII congratulates Biden, Harris on poll victory


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New Delhi [India], November 8 (ANI): The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) congratulated Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris for their electoral victory the United States Presidential polls on Sunday.
Congratulating the duo, CII president Uday Kotak, said that CII was looking forward to engaging with the new administration.
“With rising trade and investment ties between the two countries, the health of our economies are inextricably linked and we must work together during this critical time to reinvigorate the bilateral economic agenda- facilitating economic growth, enhancing job creation, supporting small business and enabling cooperation in the investment-related movement of professionals. With the election of Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President, we are looking forward to engaging with the Administration’s leadership to promote post-pandemic economic stability, business collaboration, our shared democratic values and increased people-to-people ties that have defined the special India-US relationship,” Kotak said in an official statement.

Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII also sent his congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris and remarked that CII was looking forward to future collaboration with Biden.
“Prior to the economic disruption caused by COVID-19, bilateral trade in goods and services in 2019 reached a peak of nearly 150 billion dollars and CII hopes this will continue to rise in the years to come. We can aim higher to our shared goal of 500 billion dollars through a new era of revitalized economic cooperation, which would be comprehensive, complementary and collaborative,” Banerjee was quoted saying in the official statement.
The CII also said that President-elect Biden helped rebuild the US economy during the Great Recession, and with Indian investments continuing to grow in the US and the nation climbing to rank as India’s top trade partner, they were hopeful that both the economies will benefit from his experience and leadership. (ANI)

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