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Chicagoland salutes Mahatma Gandhi


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CHICAGO, IL — The Consulate General of India in Chicago, in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Trust, celebrated Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on October 2.


The birth anniversary of the Mahatma was celebrated on the Consulate premises with great fervor with many distinguished Indian-Americans attending the event.


The celebration started with peace & harmony music. O P Meena, Consul, welcomed the guests. The opening remarks were delivered by D B Bhati, Acting Consul General who said that Gandhiji had influenced the course of world history in the 20th century by his leadership of the Indian freedom movement.


“The Mahatma is still inspiring the people in the country as well as abroad through his legacy of non-violence and noble life. Word and deed must reflect each other. Gandhi had applied this principle in his life. Gandhi’s "Experiments with Truth" were applied by him both to the political sphere and to very personal affairs”, he said.


Bhati added: “The personality of Mahatma Gandhi left a deep impact on the minds of all those who came in his contact. It was because of Gandhiji’s ideals that Albert Einstein mentioned about him that “Generations to come, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”


The Acting Consul General also informed the participants about the inauguration of Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that the centre was a tribute to the overseas Indian community; and commemorated their migration to various parts of the world, the challenges they faced abroad, their achievements and contributions.


Over time, the Kendra is expected to develop into a hub of activities for sustainable, symbiotic and mutually rewarding economic, social and cultural engagements between India and its Diaspora. Bhati also appealed to the Indian diaspora to participate in Pravasi Bhartiya convention being organized at Bengaluru during January 7-9.


A PowerPoint presentation on Mahatma Gandhi was given by Dr. Sri Ram Sonti with visuals drawn by Arvind Gunnapatel. US Congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, also attended the celebration and spoke about the relevance of principles of Mahatma Gandhi in her life.


A 57-minute video of inauguration of Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra by the Prime Minister was also screened. The Indian diaspora in Chicagoland appreciated the initiatives taken by the leadership of the current government for Pravashi Bhartiya. They also expressed their excitement to visit the PBK and to avail various facilities available at the Kendra.


Celebrations in Skokie


The Gandhi Memorial Trust, in collaboration with the Consulate General of India in Chicago, organized a peace prayer at the Gandhi Statue located at Heritage Park, McCormick Blvd, Skokie on October 2. Bhati and Meena paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi by presenting a wreath on the Gandhi statue.


Gabbard and Mayor of Skokie, Van Dusen also paid tribute to Gandhi ji. The Mayor of Skokie marked this special day in Skokie as Peace Day with his proclamation.

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