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Best Ginger Ale guide 101: Health benefits, types, risks, and alternatives


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Best Ginger Ale guide 101: Health benefits, types, risks, and alternatives | Is Ginger Ale good for you?

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Throwback to the days when ginger water was a miraculous OG when it came to nausea, sore throat, and stomach disorders – basically any type of sickness, and ginger water was your go-to drink. Right? However, today that simple boiled ginger water has taken a fancy route and converted itself into a ginger ale, i.e., a carbonated soft drink (with and without real ginger)
Just like any other American soda and soft drink, even this carbonated beverage is a hugely popular everyday drink, especially amongst the youths. While many people say that it is a healthy drink as it has ginger in it, we know that’s not entirely true, is it? Although the topic is debatable, the primary question that hangs in the air is if ginger ale is good for you. Hence, this article.
Let us get a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at this remarkably famous drink. In this exclusive article, we will cover everything about ginger ale – from its definition, types, and nutritional facts to its health benefits, disadvantages, and alternatives. Cheers!

What is ginger ale then, exactly?

Ginger ale is basically a soda – a ginger-flavored soda, to be exact – primarily made by combining a sweetener and ginger root. However, commercial manufacturers make this beverage with carbonated water, lemon, high fructose corn syrup or cane sugar, lime, and ginger flavoring (either natural or artificial).
This fizzy beverage usually contains preservatives, like sodium benzoate and citric acid. Also, many times, the manufacturers use caramel coloring to give the drink the color of ginger to make it more appealing to the people. Moreover, some ginger ale brands even add other combinations of ingredients as part of their flavoring process. Though, these ingredients are proprietary blends, a.k.a, private.
But, not every ginger drink is commercialized. You can even get traditional ginger ales in a few stores and (of course) online. This traditional-styled drink is made by mixing ginger bug or yeast (to promote microbial starter culture) with soda.

Nutritional facts about ginger ale

To understand the nutritional factors, we will consider a 350mm Can of Canaday Dry ginger ale.

Protein: 0 grams
Calories: 138
Fat: 0 grams
Carbohydrates: 36 grams
Sodium: 49.7 milligrams
Sugar: 35 grams
Fiber: 0 grams

As you can see, there are hardly any beneficial nutrients going in your body when you drink this fizzy beverage.

Types of ginger ale drinks

There are three varieties of ginger ales available in the market. These are –


…both the traditional fermented ginger ale and the soda fall under this variety. These drinks generally consist of ginger, cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup, and carbonation.


…almost similar to regular ginger ales, except these consist of calorie-free or artificial sweeteners instead of sugar (cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup).


…spicier ginger ales come under this category. So, essentially, instead of using a ginger root, the manufacturers use a specific technique to process the ginger root to make it drier and spicier.

Popular ginger ale brands

Ginger ales are manufactured both by small and huge companies. A few of the famously marketed brands are –

Canada Dry
Fever Tree
Red Rock Boylan
Bruce Cost
Brooklyn Crafter
Blue Sky


Is ginger ale good for you? What are the health benefits of ginger ale?

These health benefits are solely because of the presence of ginger – be it ginger tonic or ginger soda. If your fizzy beverage does not have actual and real ginger in it, none of these potential benefits will be valid.

1. Morning sickness in pregnancy

Ginger provides relief in morning sickness, especially for pregnant women who are in their first trimester or early stages.
NOTE: Please consume ONLY homemade ginger ale to be on the safer side.

2. Good for nausea

Ginger eases and reduces nausea related to stomach flu or uncomfortable and disturbed sensations in your stomach and throat.

3. Good for sore throat

Ginger is often known to heal a sore throat, throat pain, cough, and cold.

4. Helps when sick

Do you remember your parents or grandparents immediately used to bring us warm ginger water or ginger tea the moment you started showing symptoms of sickness?

5. Helps in digestion – good for your stomach

As per the research, ginger effectively stimulates the production of digestive enzymes that improves your digestion. Also, as ginger ale contains carbonated soda, it helps to release any gas that may be causing indigestion or burning in your chest.

6. Manages migraine (possibility)

As per a study, ginger powder showed signs of managed or decreased migraine symptoms. You can try it, though. If it works, well, you’ll finally be able to get rid of migraine medications and their side effects.

7. Helps to reduce inflammation

Ginger has been known to contain anti-oxidative properties that help in reducing the chances of inflammation.

8. Offers antioxidant effects

The less you process the ginger, the more antioxidant properties it will show.

9. Supports heart health

Ginger has been known to reduce blood pressure, which is one of the main factors behind heart stroke and heart attacks.

10. No caffeine

Ginger ale is free of caffeine naturally, making it a tasty alternative to non-coffee drinkers and other caffeine-infused drinks like cola.
Once again, we are reminding you that these health benefits are ONLY from ginger, not ginger ale (unless it contains real ginger in it).
So, now, the correct question for you to ask would be: is ginger ale bad for you?

Risks or Side effects of ginger ale

It is a very well-known fact that almost all carbonated drinks have added sugars and high fructose corn syrup or sweeteners in them, which are not at all good for your overall health. And, over a prolonged period of time, it can cause serious health complications in a person. Drinking it once in a while is okay and refreshing, however, a daily intake only increases your chances of getting ill. Here are some side effects or risks of ginger ale –

1. Stomach ailments

Carbonated drinks, in a long term, tend to rupture the lining of the stomach, causing major stomach ailments.

2. Causes bloating and diarrhea

Too much of sweeteners and carbonated drinks like ginger ales tend to irritate the bowel system, which, in turn, leads to a disturbed stomach causing excessive gas and bad loose motions or constipation.

3. Dental cavities

The high amount of sugar content and sweeteners added in ginger ales will definitely have a negative impact on your dental health, leading to cavities and decaying of enamel.

4. Interferes with blood clotting

Overdose of ginger can also interfere with blood clotting leading to thinning of your blood. Now, this may harm you in case you get hurt and start bleeding, meaning, you will lose out on a lot of blood in a short span of time.

5. Risk of Type 2 diabetes

Once again, sugary beverages are directly proportional to diabetes. The more sugary and carbonated drinks you consume, the more your chances of getting diabetes. In case, diabetes runs in your family, i.e., is hereditary, you should avoid drinking such beverages daily.

6. Increases inflammation

Some manufacturers use sodium benzoate as a food preservative. As per the research, these additives may cause inflammation if intaken in large quantities.

7. Weight gain

Drinks like ginger ale have a HUGE amount of calories in them, which will, obviously, affect your weight and loosen your muscle mass. You will also feel weaker if you consume this beverage as a daily habit.

Alternatives of ginger ale

The answer to the question: is ginger ale the healthiest soda is certainly a big no!
It’s time (and better) to move over this overrated beverage and choose a drink that equally loves you. Below are some alternatives to ginger ales – the best part is you can easily DIY them from the comfort of your home!

Ginger tea

…one of the, no, THE healthiest alternative to ginger ale. Add chopped ginger in boiling water, and done! IT IS THAT SIMPLE! We suggest you give some creative twists to it to enhance its flavor and aroma. For example, you can add some cloves and cardamon to recover from soar throat or sickness, or you can add peppermint to calm your nerves.

Fresh lemon-lime soda

…commonly known as lemonade. Simple, easy, effective, refreshing – lemon-lime soda is also one of the healthiest and cheapest alternatives.

Plain seltzer water

…simple and unadulterated water loaded with carbon dioxide. It has a clear taste, so you can give your personal touch or flavor to it by adding your favorite fruit like berries or oranges. Also, seltzer water does not contain sugar or any sweetener, making it a healthy alternative to ginger ale. But remember that you’ll likely be getting a lot of gas due to heavy carbon dioxide.

Ginger smoothie

…who doesn’t enjoy a smoothie, so what if there is ginger in it?! Add citrus ingredients like oranges, grapefruits, or berries or leafy vegetables like kale or spinach to cut down the pungent smell and flavor of ginger and devour it – no judgments!

Ginger beer

…crafted by mixing fresh (or dried) ginger, sugar, and lemon juice in a fermenting vessel with yeast. It is highly in demand as a non-alcoholic beer with a strong gingery taste, peppery scent, and carbonated fizz.

Bottoms Up

Ginger ale is definitely a super popular beverage, but it certainly is not the healthiest. From high sugar content to high calories, this drink can only give you momentary pleasure. However, if you are someone who prefers to drink it on a regular basis, you are in for a trouble, UNLESS you start reading its ingredients. Plus, why choose this when you have many healthy and equally delicious alternatives. Your body is your temple, make your choices wisely!
Do you like ginger ale? Tell us in the comments section below.
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Best Ginger Ale guide 101: Health benefits, types, risks, and alternatives | Is Ginger Ale good for you?
Title of FAQ Block: 
FAQ Section: 
FAQ Question: 
Is it OKAY to drink ginger ale every day?
FAQ Answer: 
No, not exactly. It is a sugary drink that has many calories. Such sugary drinks will cause weight gain and increase the chances of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
FAQ Question: 
Which is the healthiest ginger ale drink?
FAQ Answer: 
Zevia Ginger Ale comes with a sweet blend of citrus oils and real ginger and has a delicious taste with no sugar and zero calories, making it one of the healthiest alternatives to diet drinks.
FAQ Question: 
Is drinking ginger ale good for your kidneys?
FAQ Answer: 
Although ginger is a kidney-friendly seasoning, drinking market-bought ginger ale regularly is not good for your kidney due to its high sugar content.
FAQ Question: 
Which ginger ale brand has real ginger?
FAQ Answer: 
Reed’s Inc. (also named America’s no.1 brand in ginger) launched Ginger Ale in two clean, crisp, classic varieties: Original and Zero Sugar Original. It is an all-natural Ginger Ale containing fresh and real ginger.
FAQ Question: 
Is drinking ginger ale good for your stomach?
FAQ Answer: 
Ginger has been proven to be highly effective in treating nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness. However, store-bought ginger contains added sugar and calories and is therefore not recommended to drink daily.
FAQ Question: 
Does ginger ale have caffeine?
FAQ Answer: 
No, it is caffeine free.
FAQ Question: 
Is ginger ale alcoholic?
FAQ Answer: 
No. Although some varieties of this drink contain about 0.5% of alcohol, it is not enough to be categorized under alcoholic beverages.
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