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Activists oppose deploying langurs to tackle Vrindavan monkeys


Vrindavan (Uttar Pradesh), Nov 14 (IANS) An activist here has lodged a complaint with the ministry of environment and forests to book those responsible for hiring langurs to shoo away rhesus monkeys here ahead of the President’s visit Nov 16.

Activist Naresh Kadian told IANS that hiring langurs to ensure safe visit of President Pranab Mukherjee to the Sri Bankey Bihari temple in Vrindavan violates the wildlife act.

District Magistrate Rajesh Kumar told the media Thursday evening that 10 langurs have been brought to curb the monkey menace in the town, especially near the temple which the President is scheduled to visit.

But activists, including Kadian, said the step is an act of foolishness.

The Animal Welfare Party and other groups have demanded rescue of all the 10 captive langurs in Vrindavan.

Kadian has said this will encourage capturing of the wild animals and it is possible the langurs will be abused for material benefits.

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