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Sixth traditional BAPS Mandir in North America
Pramukh Swami opens $18-million house of prayers
ROBBINSVILLE (NJ) — A majestic BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir was inaugurated on August 10 in Robbinsville, NJ by His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj and senior Sadguru Swamis of BAPS.
The inauguration of this traditional stone mandir marks the completion of the second phase of the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex that is currently planned for the site. The mandir is 133 feet long and 87 feet wide, comprising 98 pillars and two domes (ghummats) 30 feet wide and 34 feet high.
The entire mandir has been covered by a permanent structure to increase the structure’s life and accommodate darshan and worship during the region’s harsh winter. The Mandir is made entirely of Italian marble and was completed in three years at a cost of $18 million.
This was made possible by the dedication and selfless service of professional volunteers, including engineers and architects, who helped to minimize the cost of the mandir.
BAPA“Thousands of volunteers have dedicated themselves and sacrificed immensely to help create this lasting legacy. It is through the selfless service of hundreds of professional volunteers—engineers, architects, and project managers—that this Mandir has come up so swiftly and at a relatively low cost”, said Dipal Patel, a BAPS volunteer.
Devotees and well-wishers from across the world gathered on the Mandir’s campus to celebrate its opening.
While children frolicked on the grass holding their parents’ hands, women in their bright saris held their breath as they saw the Mandir for the first time even as elderly devotees raised their heads and bent their backs in awe to appreciate this traditional house of worship that would encourage a fresh undertaking of religious rituals and beliefs in the community.
Also in attendance during the celebration were United States Senator from New Jersey, Cory Booker and US Representative from Maryland Steny Hoyer, US Representative from Pennsylvania Mike Fitzpatrick, US Representative from New Jersey Frank Pallone, Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, John Jay Hoffman and Indian Consul General Dnyaneshwar Mulay (New York).
Speaking on the occasion, Hoyer said, “This Mandir will surely not only be a place of worship, but a place of service. The saying, ‘in the joy of others, lies our own’ is translated here from words into action. As followers of this movement have done throughout the world for the benefit of millions and millions of people.”
“Today is truly a day of celebration. Today is a day that is not just good for this community or the state of New Jersey but indeed what you are doing is great for all of America,” said United States Senator from  New Jersey, Cory Booker.
“I am so impressed. I am so impressed. Indeed, I give reverence to an extraordinary structure (the Mandir) which will stand in all of North America as one of the greatest places of faith we have but I am more impressed with the people of this community.”
Rinali Patel, 27, of Cherry Hill, NJ called the Mandir a home. “The Mandir has traditionally been viewed as a home for God. I think it is also a home for the devotees, for the community. You can come to the Mandir and breathe a sigh of relief, experience peace, and feel relaxed. Spirituality becomes a tangible thing here.” She had been waiting for this day for years.
The inauguration festivities, spanning over two weekends, included a yagna or Vedic ritual for world peace, an evening of cultural programs performed by children, Mahila Sammelan (women’s cultural program) and the murti pratishta rituals or ceremonies to invoke the spirit of the deity’s into the murtis or sacred images.
Prior to the consecration ritual that took place on August 10, after which the murtis were to reside permanently in their shrines, they were taken on a festive procession around the complex. Young and old lined up on the side of the road, some dancing in excitement, some singing, and others watching the murtis and procession.
These events infused a sense of jubilance into the devotionally-charged atmosphere. As the culminating event of these celebrations, the Mandir was officially inaugurated in a Vedic ceremony performed by BAPS Swamis in the presence of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj. It is the sixth traditional BAPS Mandir of its kind in North America.
This Mandir stands as a testament to the spirit of service, devotion to God and spiritual journeys of all those who have spent thousands of volunteer hours and expertise in its construction.
“This Mandir has changed the community’s landscape. It is impossible to visit this temple complex and not experience a rush of love, peace, and harmony. Yes, it benefits the local congregation, but it is also a great contribution for our Township and its people, said, Rohan Pandit, a resident of East Windor, NJ.
“This Mandir will increase cultural awareness amongst our community members. I for one, have come to appreciate how different religious communities celebrate their traditions and pray to God. This appreciation and participation is indicative of the pluralism that influences the community.”
Symbolic of the rich traditions it will carry forward, the Mandir is a modern architectural marvel built in accordance with guidelines from ancient Hindu scriptures. Master craftsmen in India first meticulously carved each portion of Italian marble. As the individual portions were completed, they were brought to Robbinsville to be pieced together like a giant puzzle to cover every inch of the structure.
The completed masterpiece showcases intricate designs that depict meaningful stories about heroism, sacrifice, and devotion.
His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj is the inspiration behind this latest BAPS Mandir in Robbinsville. As the spiritual leader of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS), he has not only established hospitals, schools, cultural exhibitions, and other wonders such as Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi, Gandhinagar, and the mandirs in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Toronto, but also has reformed the lives of millions through his personal touch and universal message.
It is because of his guiding vision that, as an international charitable socio-spiritual non-governmental organization, BAPS enjoys an affiliation with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Today, BAPS serves the global community through 160 humanitarian activities in a myriad of areas such as education, environment, health, social welfare, disaster relief and culture. This is only possible through the dedication and devotion of its members and, in particular, the 55,000 volunteers spread over 3,300 centers worldwide.

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