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5 Drinks to combat acid reflux naturally

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Acidity aka acid reflux is one of the most commonly faced gastrointestinal problems in the world. Acid reflux refers to a condition in which the stomach acid travels up to the oesophagus and brings up various distressing symptoms including burning sensations, heartburn, constipation, indigestion and restlessness. Right from inappropriate meal timings, bad posture after meals, consumption of alcohol, smoking and high usage of spices- there are plenty of lifestyle factors that contribute to the disorder of acid reflux. If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned symptoms, then opting for home remedies that provide with natural cooling effect can provide you with a sigh of relief.

Here we bring you 5 drinks to combat acid reflux naturally.

Coconut water

Coconut water not only hydrates your glands but also provides your body with multiple nutrients and electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium. Chilled coconut water will ease out the burning sensations while decreasing the uneasiness caused by acid reflux as it contains a decent amount of potassium content that can aid in balancing the PH of your stomach.

Cold Milk

Consumption of cold milk is one of the best natural remedies for acidity. The quantities of calcium found in milk avert any excess secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, calming your body with instant relief from the sweltering sensations or any other painful symptoms of acid reflux. Low-fat cold milk without any added sugars is the best way to beat acid reflux.

Lemon, ginger and Tulsi concoction

Both lemon and ginger have been touted to provide various benefits to digestive health for ages. Not only do they contain anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties but they also boast of heart-healthy nutrients that can ease out the symptoms of acid reflux. Similarly, Tulsi consists of anti-ulcer properties that can decrease the levels of gastric acid secretions and stimulate the digestive system while relieving the signs of acidity immediately. Boil lemon, ginger and tulsi all together in the water and sip a cup two to three times a day for effective results.

Smoothies with no added sugar

Home-made smoothies that do not have any artificial sweeteners or added sugars can also treat acid reflux effectively. You can try vegetables and fruit smoothies and complement the ingredients with oats to load it with fibre. Sometimes, hunger or an empty stomach can also cause acid reflux and therefore satiating yourself with fibre rich foods or drinks can provide immediate release. Try whipping oats and banana smoothies in low-fat chilled milk.

Mint concoction

Mint also known as a refreshing ingredient act as a natural coolant that can easily unruffle the symptoms of heartburn while soothing acid reflux. Mint holds carminative properties that further aid in pacifying the secretions of acid in the stomach, calming abdominal inflammation and acidity while healing the irritated stomach. Try boiling some mint leaves in water and sipping throughout the day to reap the maximum benefits.

Also Read: 4 Leftover chicken recipes you must try at home

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5 Drinks to combat acid reflux naturally
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Acidity aka acid reflux is one of the most commonly faced gastrointestinal problems in the world. Acid reflux refers to a condition in which the stomach acid travels up to the oesophagus and brings up various distressing symptoms including burning sensations

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