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4 Cardinal rules for LGBTQ dating you wish you’d known sooner

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Cardinal rules for LGBTQ dating you wish you’d known sooner

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As someone who has struggled with their sexual identity, it can be quite a triumph to come out and be proud of your journey. But dating in the LGBTQ community can be a new venture altogether. Should you only see other men or women who have come out? Or should you date exclusively or play the field? There can be a million questions running through your mind as you test the waters and go on your first date. So, we bring you a few handy set of rules that can enhance your dating experience.

Be equally out and proud or both in the closet

Many find it traumatizing to date someone who wants to keep them in the closet in front of their parents. Perhaps they are yet to come out. But if they are ashamed to be seen with you or wish to keep your relationship under wraps only because they are still in the closet; then it can complicate matters. Hence, many choose to date others who are similarly in the closet or have both come out so they can embrace each other openly before their families.

Both should offer to pay for the other

Whether the both of you are men or women; it can be confusing as to who should pay for the food. So, if you’re eating out, simply do the courteous thing and offer to pay for dinner. Since both of you are same sex, you will please your partner and eventually establish a comfortable dynamic on who pays.

Don’t discuss your ex

This is the one rule that is common for all kinds of dating. The cardinal rule remains that you should not discuss your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. Whether it was a good relationship or a bad one, it can be an instant turn off.

Communicate the extent of your feelings honestly

You may subscribe to no labels, which is perfect. But when it comes to dating, it is best to label the bond you share. Are the both of you exclusive? In an open relationship? Committed to each other or open to casual flirtations? Labelling it is an easy way to communicate relationship boundaries to your partner. It can really save you from getting your heart broken.

No matter whether you seek monogamy, a three-way or even casual dating, it can be prudent to convey that to your date.

Also Read: 3 Secrets on how to get a guy call you

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4 Cardinal rules for LGBTQ dating you wish you’d known sooner

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