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April 8, 2018

High BP patients prefer pill, tea than exercise

New York, April 8 (IANS) People are more likely to choose a daily cup of tea or a pill over exercise as the preferred treatment to control their high blood pressure, finds a survey.In the survey, 79 per cent of respondents said they would…

How depression negatively impacts heart patients

New York, April 8 (IANS) Depression, even when undiagnosed, can have many negative effects on patients with cardiovascular diseases, including poor healthcare experiences and higher health costs, say researchers.The study found that people…

Man stoned to death in Telangana for raping minor

Hyderabad, April 8 (IANS) A mob stoned a man to death in Telangana after he raped a seven-year-old girl, police said on Sunday.The incident took place late on Saturday in Donkeshwar village of Nizamabad district. According to police, a…

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