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The Third Eye: Israel-Hamas conflict has enlarged the threat from radical forces

New Delhi: The terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, and the unending retaliatory military action of Israel in Gaza where nearly 33,000 Palestinians, including a vast number of civilians, have been killed has expectantly seen Islamic radical forces rallying behind Hamas and stepping up their offensive against the US and other close allies of Israel.
Significantly, the Ayatollah regime in Iran — because of its political and ideological opposition to the US — is firmly backing Hamas notwithstanding the fundamental Shia-Sunni contradiction and even joining up with the China-Russia axis to add a new factor in the Cold War that was developing between the US on one hand and the said axis on the other.Iran’s enmity towards the US has become far deeper ever since Major General Qasem Soleimani heading the Quds Force of Iran was assassinated in a US operation in January 2020.In April 2022, an Iranian government official in Tehran was charged by the US with the attempt to hire a hitman to assassinate US National Security Advisor John Bolton.Broadly speaking the current profile of Islamic radical outfits indicates that while Al Qaeda is operating from its strong base in Afghanistan and Yemen, the competitive force of ISIS is strong on its turf in Iraq and Syria — an offshoot of ISIS called Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) is active in Afghanistan and Pakistan too.Al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP) was the first to call for retaliatory violence in support of Hamas. There is already a war-like situation in many regions of the Muslim world between the US and Islamic radicals, and the Intelligence agencies of the US have warned the country of plans of radical forces to stage a spectacular attack of the kind the US had encountered on 9/11.In the meanwhile, hundreds of ground operations and air strikes on ISIS targets have been carried out by US Central Command (CENTCOM) in Iraq and Syria in recent months.Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray reported to the Senate Intelligence Committee in December 2023 that in the wake of the October 7 attack of Hamas on Israel, a threat to the US from foreign terrorists had risen to a new level.He feared that infiltrators through the country’s southern border could plan a 9/11 type of coordinated attack.General Michael Erik Kurilla, Chief of CENTCOM, earlier warned that the Middle East and South Asia were throwing up Islamic radical forces — Al Qaeda, ISIS and ISIS-K that had the capability of attacking the US.In April this year, President Biden ordered that under the Foreigners Intelligence Surveillance Act, the administration could compel US Telecommunications and Internet providers to turn over communications of foreigners outside of the country which passed through the US.Developments in the Middle East where Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran are the key players establish the trends of a steady spread of radicalisation in the Muslim world, rise of terrorism propelled by faith and an increase in the incidence of suicide bombing.Faith-based terror has acquired a global dimension for, besides the Middle East, West Africa and the Afghanistan-Pakistan belt of South Asia have emerged as the breeding grounds for terror outfits.The phenomenon of ‘lone wolves’ and determined small cells out to get to the US, is also coming into full play.Islamic radical forces consider the US as their prime enemy — they carry the historical memory of the 19th century Jehad of Wahhabis against the British — and they are inclined to target close friends of the US and Israel too.Iran, a fundamentalist Shia state, is hostile to US and Israel and is against Saudi Arabia as well.While India has handled the Middle East countries well, it has to be especially careful against the machinations of Pakistan in the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan and the former’s known potential for setting the radical outfits upon India.The US is vulnerable to the manoeuvrings of Pakistan which pretended to act as the bridge between the US and Taliban but India should be able to educate US policymakers on the danger that the two democracies faced from radicalised forces in the Muslim world.The two recent incidents of ISIS-sponsored terror attacks — one in Iran and the other in Moscow have to be correctly viewed so that there was no misreading about the choice of targets made by radical Islamic forces.Two suicide bombers of ISIS-K attacked the huge crowd assembled at the death anniversary of Major General Soleimani at Kerman in Iran in January 2024 killing 103 persons.ISIS-K struck again in March 2024 at a concert on the outskirts of Moscow causing the death of 145 persons and injuries to 550 others.The attack in Iran was reportedly in retaliation against the large-scale killing of ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and was driven also by the deep-seated antipathy of Sunni extremists towards Shias.In Syria, Iran supports President Bashar Al Assad, who is an Alawite, while ISIS is opposed to him.As regards the ISIS attack in Moscow, it is a fact that Russia was on the side of the Syrian President against the Islamic State but more than that the provocation for ISIS came from the Russian repression of the Islamic population — with Russia maintaining a strong security presence on the southern periphery — and President Putin’s aversion to any advance of radicalisation in Central Asian regions.For ISIS, Russia was no different from the US-led West.The ISIS offensives in Iran and Russia mark the global rise of radical Islamic forces and their impact on the geo

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