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Taurus to Cancer: These zodiac signs set out to do good in the world

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Zodiac signs who set out to do good in the world

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All of us may see the world in our own unique way. While some may see positivity everywhere they look, there are others with a high quotient for empathy who see the sorrow in other people’s realities. Not all of them believe in giving alms to people who are begging for it, but there are ways in which they hope to impact the people’s lives for the better. Take a look at some Zodiac signs who purposefully set out to do good in the world.


Be it while driving down to work or heading out to see their friend, a Taurus cannot pass a young child or an elderly individual in an impoverished state. While they do not always offer money, the tender heart of this earth sign cries out in compassion and they almost always leave behind hastily bought food for people who need it.


A cancer’s sympathy is best seen in the way that they work for the welfare of animals. This sensitive water sign believes in speaking up for those who are voiceless. While the distress of humans can go unnoticed by them sometimes, they cannot deny the pain of a mute creature. Be it helping injured animals get medical assistance or ladling out food to starving street dogs, a Cancer’s compassion is legendary.


Another zodiac sign who thinks about others far more than they think of themselves is Pisces. They believe in the philosophy of ‘teacher a man to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime’. So, while they do not give handouts, they would be the first ones to purchase a map from a map maker, or a balloon from balloon seller who hasn’t made a sale by the end of the day even if they don’t have any such need for the items.

Disclaimer: While these attributes are generic, these are primarily focused on your zodiacal qualities; all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you.

Also Read: Cancer to Virgo: 4 Zodiac signs who NEVER reply on time and often ignore their lovers

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Zodiac signs who set out to do good in the world
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All of us may see the world in our own unique way. While some may see positivity everywhere they look, there are others with a high quotient for empathy who see the sorrow in other people’s realities. Not all of them believe in giving alms to people who are begging for it, but there are ways in which they hope to impact the people’s lives for the better. Take a look at some Zodiac signs who purposefully set out to do good in the world.

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