Abhishek Bachchan is known for his quick wit and savage sense of humour on social media. On Saturday, he gave netizens a glimpse of the same after he and self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R Khan engaged in Twitter banter. It so happened that Junior Bachchan took to the micro-blogging site and shared the motion poster of Vaashi, starring actors Tovino Thomas and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles. Sharing the poster, Abhishek appreciated the film and wished the cast good luck. His tweet read, “Another incredible movie coming from Malayalam film industry!! Good luck @ttovino, @KeerthyOfficial and the entire cast and crew! #Vaashi #tovinothomas #keerthyofficial #malayalam”.
But looks like Kamaal R Khan, popularly known as KRK, did not quite like what Abhishek had to say, and took a dig at Bollywood. He retweeted Abhishek’s tweet, and wrote, “Bhai Kabhi Aap Bollywood Wale Bhi koi incredible film Bana Dena! (Brother, someday, you Bollywood people should also make an incredible film (folded hands emoji)”.
Abhishek, being his witty self, replied with a savage comeback, as he mentioned KRK’s film ‘Deshdrohi’. He wrote, “Prayaas karenge. Aapne banai thi na….. deshdrohi. (We shall try. You made na… Deshdrohi)” Abhishek’s reply had fans in splits as they appreciated the actor’s sense of humour.
Kamaal R Khan did not hold back and replied to Abhishek’s tweet saying that Bollywood did not let him make a second film, or else, he would have made a blockbuster as well. KRK’s tweet read, “Hahaha! Meri film Ke budget (₹1.5Cr) Se Zyada Toh Aap logo Ke Makeup man Ka budget Hota hai. 2nd film Aap Bollywood Walon Ne Banane Nahi Di. Nahi Toh blockbuster Bhi Banakar Dikha Deta! (My film’s budget is less than the budget of your make-up man. I wanted to make second film but Bollywood didn’t let me. Otherwise, it would have been another blockbuster)”.
To this Abhishek replied, “Chaliye,aap bhi koshish kijiye. Asha karte hain ki is sangharsh me aap safal hon. (folded hands emoji) (You too keep trying. I hope you succeed someday).”
Check out Abhishek Bachchan and Kamaal R Khan’s Twitter banter:
Prayaas karenge. Aapne banai thi na….. deshdrohi.
— Abhishek (@juniorbachchan) February 19, 2022
On the work front, Abhishek was last seen in Bob Biswas. He will next be seen in Dasvi alongside Yami Gautam.