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Mumbai, May 6 (IANS) Apprehending defeat in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s poll language has plummeted to an all-time low, Congress General Secretary Ramesh Chennithala alleged here on Monday.“In the two phases of polling conducted so far, the BJP has realised that the verdict of the people is going against the party. That is why the PM is using such language out of frustration. It’s unbecoming of a person holding the post of PM,” Chennithala said.Speaking to mediapersons here, the Congress leader claimed that the voting sentiments so far indicate that the people want a change and are supporting the INDIA bloc at the state and national levels.“Now, the PM is attempting to incite religious tensions by invoking Hindu-Muslim sentiments and Pakistan in his speeches and trying to create a communal divide in the country. That is why disrespectful references are made to the Opposition leaders like Sharad Pawar,” Chennithala said.”The BJP government did nothing for 10 years… The people have lost confidence in PM Modi’s guarantees, but they have full faith in Congress’ five guarantees,” claimed Chennithala.Replying to a query, the Congress leader said that Maharashtra Congress Working President M. Arif Naseem Khan has withdrawn his resignation from the state campaign committee.“There is freedom of expression in the Congress… Khan’s resignation was discussed at the highest levels in the party which supports all castes and religions. He raised certain issues and met Rahul Gandhi in Pune last week, and his points have been taken note of,” said Chennithala.Earlier on Monday, Khan confirmed that he has withdrawn his resignation and will campaign vigorously for all the Congress-Maha Vikas Aghadi candidates as a star campaigner for the fifth phase of elections on May 20, including for Mumbai North Central nominee Varsha Gaikwad.–IANSqn/arm